Шехтман Валентин Борисович
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Полугодовой спецкурс «Модальная логика»
по четвергам 16:45–18:20 начинается 8 сентября 2022
Материалы курса доступны по ссылке
Valentin B. Shehtman
Permanent places of employment:
- Institute for Information Transmission Problems
- Department of Mathematics, Moscow State University
- Department of Mathematics, Higher School of Economics
Current research interests:
Mathematical logic, with the emphasis to nonclassical logics, and their applications to universal algebra, topology and computer science.
Curriculum Vitae in brief
1953 Born in Moscow
1970 Graduated from a mathematics oriented highschool in Moscow
1975 Master of sciences summa cum laude in Mathematics, Moscow State Pedagogical University
1975-77 Teacher in mathematics at high school, Moscow
1977-80 PhD student, Department of Mathematics, Moscow State University
1981-82 Teacher in mathematics at high school, Moscow
1982-84 Senior engineer, Research Institute of Patent Information
1985 Ph.D. in mathematics, Steklov Mathematics Institute, Leningrad branch
1984-90 Senior Research Fellow, Research Institute of General Moscow Planning
1990-93 Leading Research Fellow, Institute of New Technologies
1993 Senior Research Fellow, Institute for Information Transmission Problems, Russian Academy of Sciences
1995 Senior Research Fellow, Moscow State University
2000 Doctor of State in mathematics and physics, National Attestation Committee and Moscow State University
2000 Leading Research Fellow, Institute for Information Transmission Problems
2001 Full Professor, Department of Mathematics, Moscow State University
2004 Researcher at Poncelet Russian-French laboratory (LIFR-MI2P) of CNRS and the Independent University of Moscow
2008 Principal Researcher, Institute for Information Transmission Problems
2010 Full Professor, Department of Mathematics, Higher School of Economics
Recent publications
D.Gabbay, V. Shehtman, D. Skvortsov. Quantification in Nonclassical Logic, volume 1. Elsevier, 2009.
D.Gabbay, V. Shehtman, D. Skvortsov. Quantification in Nonclassical Logic, volume 1. Draft of the second edition. download
- (with I. Shapirovsky) Contemporary modal logic: between mathematics and CS (in Russian). download
- Segerberg squares of modal logics and theories of relation algebras. In: Larisa Maksimova on Implication, Interpolation, and Definability, Outstanding Contributions in Logic 15, chapter 12, S. Odintsov, ed. Springer, 2018. download
- On Kripke completeness of some modal predicate logics with the density axiom. In: Advances in Modal Logic, Volume 12. G. Bezhanisvili et al., eds. College Publications, 2018. download
- Canonical filtrations and local tabularity. In: Advances in Modal Logic, Volume 10. R. Gore et al., eds. College Publications, 2014, pp. 498-512. download
- Filtration via bismulation. In: Advances in Modal Logic, Volume 5. Renate Schmidt et al., eds. King’s College Publications, 2005, pp. 289-308. download
- (with I.B. Shapirovsky) Modal logics of regions and Minkowski spacetime. Journal of Logic and Computation, v.15, No.5, 559 — 574. download
- On neighbourhood semantics thirty years later. In: Sergei N. Artemov et al., eds. We Will Show Them! Essays in Honour of Dov Gabbay, v.2. College Publications 2005, pp.663-692. download
- Chronological future modality in Minkowski spacetime. In: Advances in Modal Logic-2002. King’s College Publications, 437-459 (with I. Shapirovsky)
- Products of modal logics. III. Products of modal and temporal logics. Studia Logica, v. 72, No. 2, p. 157-183. (with D. Gabbay)
- Products of modal logics. II. Relativised quantifiers in classical logic. Logic Journal of the IGPL, v. 8, 165-210 (with D. Gabbay)
Mathematical Logic and Algorithms, Spring 2008: questions(pdf), problems(pdf).Mathematical Logic and Algorithms, Spring 2010: questions(pdf).
Modal and temporal logics, Spring 2008: ML508(doc), problems(pdf).
Basic modal logic, Spring 2010: questions(pdf), problems(pdf).
Categorical and algebraic logic, 2011: questions(pdf), problems(pdf).
Spatial logics, 2012: program(pdf), problems(pdf).
Predicate logics, 2015: problems (pdf).
Temporal logics, 2019: lectures 1,2 (plan).